Nov 21, 2022
TO: Guardians of Toledo Jr/SR and Toledo Elementary School students
FROM: Karen Gray, Superintendent
RE: School closures
Dear Guardians,
Today, both Toledo Jr/Sr and Toledo Elementary reported a very high absence rate. This rate may be due to a number of reasons but many of the absences are being reported as illness. The current absence rate is greater than 10% for both students and staff and this rate of absence is not conducive to productive levels of learning.
Due to this absence rate we have determined that we need to close both schools on Tuesday Nov 22, 2022. There will be NO SCHOOL tomorrow at both Toledo Jr/Sr and Toledo Elementary. We have determined that no staff will be at the buildings so that they can be thoroughly cleaned during the closure and ready for students and staff on Monday Nov 28, 2022.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this may cause. We do not make this decision lightly as we know that not all families will have an easy answer to finding childcare. We do believe this is the right decision at this time for the health of both students and staff.
Dr. Karen Gray
LCSD Superintendent