HELP Families Connect – Supplies for Students & Families (January 31st)
Friday, January 31, 2020 – 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. School supplies, books, socks, hygiene supplies, and more for students and...
Friday, January 31, 2020 – 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. School supplies, books, socks, hygiene supplies, and more for students and...
The Toledo Public Library is excited to announce the debut of Pages With Piper and Friends, a dynamic reading program...
Thanks to the generous donors, volunteers, staff, students and all the community members who donated items, made special classroom items,...
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Link to video SPANISH LANGUAGE Link to video MAM LANGUAGE Link to video
Silent Auction and Turkey Bingo Friday, November 22nd Toledo Elementary Gym and Cafeteria 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm Turkey Bingo!...
Take our family survey and be entered to win a raffle prize! You’ll have a chance to win a gift...
Lincoln County School District Director of Facilities and Maintenance, Rich Belloni, shared that the First Student, Inc., the bus company...
These schedules are current as of October 2019 and may be subject to change: Toledo Area Bus Routes/Schedule Please visit...
Our school board is creating a new strategic plan and requests input from community stakeholders. If you are able to...
Addressing behavioral and sexual development with our schools and with community partners. Weds., October 9 at Oceanlake Weds., October 16 at...